Edit Me...


Please don't enter number starting with '0'.
Format should be like: 333XXXXXXX


* Drivers (v1[1].0.2)
* Record (Dictaphone) (v1[1].02)
* iSpreadsheet (v2[1].4)
* Spreadsheet[1].v1.02-yueguanga
* iProRecorder[1].v1.2-kingasawa
* ABContacts Lite (v1[1].6)
* Audio Notes
* Alias-i (v1[1].0)
* Recorder
* iBeam (v1.1)
* Folders (v1[1].4)
* ZeptoPad (v1[1].6)
* ClickrPowerPointRemote_v1[1].1_
* SpeakEasy_Voice_1[1].0.2
* iDialUDrive__v2[1].0_
* CountryCallingCodes_1[1].1
* Send-Contact-1[1].0.1
* TalkingPics (v1.1)
* iTracker
* TN5250
* Mocha VNC (v1.0)
* FTPOnTheGo V 1.1
* iClink
* iSSH
* VoiceDial
* ReaddleDocs (v1.0.2)

iPhone needs to be jailbroken before trying to install this applications.

======== How to install cracked IPA's: ========

1) Using SSH, navigate to the folder: "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework" (winscp)
NOTE: MobileInstallation.framework is a FOLDER!

2) Backup the file "MobileInstallation" file from the directory above

3) Copy the patched MobileInstallation file over to "/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileInstallation.framework"

4) Set permissions to that new file to 775

5) Remove file : /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installation.plist else you won't be able to see Cydia apps

5) Reboot your iPhone - IMPORTANT! Otherwise Apps will not install!

6) Restart iTunes

7) Double click IPA files so they appear in iTunes and synchronize

w8) Enjoy the app or game



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